Merry Christmas 2020 : Worldwide celebration

One the most important day for Christian Community. It is believed that on Christmas God had sent his Son to earth to sacrifice himself and salvage all of humanity and absolve them of their sins.
Today on December 25 as we all know whole world celebrates Christmas which includes corporate holiday as well. Christmas actually is an birth anniversary of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader who formed the foundation of the religion of Christianity. India has different religion language and communities but still when it comes about celebration or occasion we celebrate all festivals together. Same goes with Christmas celebration, non Christian people celebrates Christmas like Christian do.

Lord Jesus : He was born in a manger in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph. There is, however, no record the birth actually took place on December 25, since the modern Gregorian calendar did not exist then, and the Bible also does not mention the exact date for his birth. It was Emperor Constantine — known as the first Christian Roman emperor — who declared December 25 as ‘Christmas’ and a day to celebrate Christ. A few years later, Pope Julius I declared that the day would mark the birth of Christ.

Seasons Greetings! Have a safe and happy holiday season. Happy New Year! Wishing harmony, health, satisfaction, and success for you and your families in the coming year.