Cinema Hall Gets Permission to Operate at 100% Seating Capacity From 1st February, New SOPs Released

- After almost a year Cinema Halls gets permission to Operate with 100% Seating Capacity.
According to Guidelines issued earlier this month, Cinema Halls were given permission to operate with 50% Seating Capacity. Thereafter today the Central Government has decided to allow Cinema Halls to operate with 100% Occupancy starting from 1st February 2021.
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, Cinema Hall operators (owners) were unwantedly forced to keep Cinema Halls closed for approximately more than 6-9 months. Audience can also enjoy from tomorrow by visiting Cinema Halls after a long period of time.
“Seating arrangement inside the auditorium of the cinemas/theatres/multiplexes is to be allowed upto 100% seating capacity.”
New Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Saturday.
Mandatory Guidelines and precautionary measures are to be taken care of my Cinema Halls like:
- Social Distancing: Physical Distancing of at least 6 feet at all the time.
- Face Mask: Mask or Face cover to be put on at all the time.
- Sanitizer: Use of Sanitizer at Entry point of Cinema Halls as well as at the Exit Point.
- Prevention Measure: Proper use of tissues or cloth to cover your month while coughing or sneezing and thereafter disposing off used tissues properly.
- Self Monitoring: Which means inform helpline number if you find any illness in yourself.
- No Spitting: Spitting strictly prohibited.
- Aarogya Setu App: It is advisable to have have Aarogya Setu App install into your smartphones.
Below is the Official Tweet from Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India Twitter Account
People in a Cinema Halls are put together in a closed space where virus can spread easily from one person to another. Cinema Hall Management is asked to take all necessary precautionary measures to avoid spreading of virus or infection. Masks and Temperature checks are two most commonly used ways of temporary testing.